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Hello 44 Forever Club Members,





Only 44 Forever Club Members will be able to access the secure web site pages.  But first, you'll need permission from the Club. All first time new web site users must sign up and request to access the web site!  This may take a day or so as this is performed manually. 


1.To activate the sign up request, from the web site home page and click on any of the web page captions at the top.  

2. Fill out the information in the drop down box. All members will now be signing in with their own email address and create their own password. 

We get notified when anyone signs onto the web site or attempts to join.  If you are recognized as a Club Member, we will give permission to enter the web site. Those who get an email challenging who they are? Will have to provide information that will convince us that you are associated with the 44 at one time or another in any capacity. Once we have established who you are, you will be emailed an application to join the Club. Once the application is received and processed, you will be given access to the web site.


We have disabled any option that allows you to sign up with any Social Media Accounts or your Google Account directly. We do not want to associate ourselves with any of the Social Media platforms. And you'll also notice as you read our About page, protocols we have set in place regarding this.


Protect your information!

Use a password that you'll easily remember and not associated with any of your other accounts.

Do not enter any banking information if prompted. 

We are not a business and will not be collecting any money via the internet. 

Nor will we ever ask you to send money via web site! 

If you have any questions, contact the Club!

Blogs and Members Chat

There is also some areas that may prompt you to join a blog or place personal information that you can share with other members. We are not doing anything with that at this time. Please leave those areas blank for now. Once again, please refrain from using this until we get more familiar with the programs. (Especially knowing who can see what is being said, etc.) With all the hacking going on in the world. We want to keep things simple and keep everyone surfing safely.



















Welcome to the new 44 Forever Club web site. There are always updates and upgrades occurring from the server. While many may not notice any changes. Our site is relatively simple and basicly used for informational purposes for Club Members.

A lot of work goes into what we do behind the scenes. Everyone who makes this Club possible is on their own time. A labor of love and a passion to keep the camaraderie of all the men and women who pass through the doors of the 44th Precinct alive! Building a web site can't be done alone! We welcome letters, notes, cards, and just love to post pictures! Please let us know if you have some photos you would like to share!

We welcome suggestions also. But remember, this is maintained by Club Members and time consuming.


Not receiving Email? Are you a member in good standing? Have you moved or changed your Email account? We won't know this unless you tell us! Every member with an Email address should be receiving Club Email at least once a month! Check your spam or junk mail folder first. Then give us a call or send us an Email to make sure your Email address hasn't fallen off the database (which sometimes happens). 

Did you move and forget to tell us? Send in your updated information to

Looking to join? Please email the Club Jack@44Forever for an application. Be sure to include your personal information in the request and years assigned to the 44 Precinct.

To all who enter herein........We missed you! Welcome back! Or should we say, Welcome Home! 

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